August 3, 2020

The Evolution of Space Music

Space Music is one of those genres that evolved out of the Ambient Music movement and gradually became a sub-genre of New Age Music, mainly because of its relaxed, mesmerizing tone and use of synthesized drones and pads. You would often hear it used in planetarium presentations or as background music for space documentaries.

Today, we hear influences of this music in science-fiction films often blended with orchestral elements. This has become what is now known as Hybrid-Orchestral Music. My title track video (Salvation’s Well) is a good example of this. It has become more aggressive and exciting, leaving the original intent of the genre somewhat in the dust. Though there are still fragments of the early days of Space Music and current artists still explore the musical origins of this genre.

One of my favorite mixes of Space Music and Hybrid-Orchestral music is this video posted by Mortifer V. Some great composers featured here! I have listened to this mix dozens of time. If you like it, give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to Mortifer V’s channel. He has posted some great music and imagery. Enjoy!


DIRECTED BYlorem vestibulum
WRITTEN BYFusce pulvina & Nam cursus

FILMSTUDIONAME PRESENTSAN Fusce suscipit PRODUCTIONA laoreet a PICTURE lobortis neque CASTINGBY risus vulputate COSTUMESBY enim leo PRODUCTIONDESIGNER libero tortor DIRECTOROFPHOTOGRAPHY gravida tellus MUSICBY endrerit sagittis EDITEDBY Maecenas dictum EXECUTIVEPRODUCER tincidunt lobortis PRODUCEDBY Cras pellente STORYBY vitae pelle SCREENPLAYBY Duis accumsan WRITERDIRECTEDBY Nam purus